quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011

V/A: New Breed NYHC Tape Compilation (1988)

  Directamente da Urban Style Records, juntamente  com uma zine ke fez historia no NYHC pelas maos do fredy alva e pelo chaka na altura vocalista de ABSOLUTION e que mais tarde formou os BURN   chega a assim  aquela que foi uma zine, da qual saiu uma compilaçao que ficou conhecida com a NEW BREED TAPE COMPILATION que conseguio juntar quase todas as bandas hardcore , youth crew, skinheads, que faziam parte das thrash days on the saturdays matinnes no CBGB em nova yorke. bandas como LIFES BLOOD, FIT OF ANGER, (QUE MAIS TARDE  TEVE ELEMENTOS NA BANDA OI! OXBLOOD)BREAKDOWN, OUTBURST, DIRECT APPROACH( banda skin com elementos de MERAUDER)  e  muitas mais...                                     

                                                 1. ABSOLUTION - Never Ending Game

                                                 2. LIFE'S BLOOD - Maximum Security (Live)

                                                 3. LIFE'S BLOOD - Youth Enrage (Live)

                                                4. OUTBURST - The Hard Way

                                                5. OUTBURST - Thin Ice

                                                6. OUTBURST - Controlled (Live)

                                                7. OUR GANG - In Anger

                                                8. OUR GANG - My Tomorrow

                                                9. OUR GANG - Without A Home

                                               10. COLLAPSE - Failure

                                               11. PRESSURE RELEASE - Try

                                               12. PRESSURE RELEASE - The Line

                                               13. BREAKDOWN - Don't Give Up

                                               14. BREAKDOWN - What It Is

                                               15. TRUE COLOURS - No Way To Live

                                               16. SHOW OF FORCE - Finding It Hard

                                               17. DIRECT APPROACH - True Vision

                                               18. DIRECT APPROACH - No Respect

                                               19. RAW DEAL - Backtrack

                                               20. RAW DEAL - Wall Of Hate

                                              21. ABOMBANATION - Disinherited

                                             22. ABOMBANATION - Something Must Be Done

                                             23. ABOMBANATION - Not Kosher

                                             24. BEYOND - Seasons

                                             25. BEYOND - Someday (Live)

                                             26. DIRECT - Reach Out

                                            27. DIRECT - One Life

                                            28. UPPERCUT - Down For The Count

                                            29. UPPERCUT - Am I Clear

                                           30. FIT OF ANGER - THE OPRESSED

                                           31. FIT OF ANGER - Revealing The Truth

                                           32. DISCIPLINE - We All Learn

                                           33. BAD TRIP - Something More

                                           34. UNDER PRESSURE - Supremist

                                            35. STAND PROUD - Dust

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